Johnson's Algorithm
Johnson's Algorithm is a method used to find the shortest paths between all pairs of vertices in a weighted graph. It improves on the Floyd-Warshall Algorithm by using a reweighting scheme and the Bellman-Ford Algorithm to efficiently solve the All-Pairs Shortest Path (APSP) problem.
How Johnson's Algorithm Works
Graph Transformation:
- Augment the original graph by adding a new vertex and edges with weight 0 to all other vertices.
Edge Re-Weighting:
- Apply the Bellman-Ford Algorithm on the augmented graph to find the minimum weight of all paths from the newly added vertex to every other vertex.
- Reweight the edges in the graph using the minimum weights obtained.
Shortest Path Calculation:
- Run Dijkstra's Algorithm for each vertex as the source to find the shortest paths to all other vertices.
Reversing the Transformation:
- Restore the original weights by undoing the reweighting process to obtain the shortest paths.
Key Features
- Optimized for Sparse Graphs: Johnson's Algorithm is more efficient for sparse graphs than the Floyd-Warshall Algorithm.
- Utilizes Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra: It combines the Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra's Algorithms for the APSP problem.
- Time Complexity: Johnson's Algorithm's time complexity depends on the Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra's Algorithms, making it (O(V * E \log V)).
- Space Complexity: It has a space complexity of (O(V + E)), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph.
- Routing Algorithms: Johnson's Algorithm is used in computer network routing protocols to determine the best path between devices.
- Optimization Problems: It's applied in transportation and logistics to optimize routes for vehicles.
- Network Analysis: Johnson's Algorithm aids in understanding network properties like centrality and connectivity.
- Computational Complexity: Despite being more efficient than some algorithms, it can be computationally intensive for large graphs.
- Sparse Graphs Benefit More: It's more suitable for graphs with sparse edge connections than for denser graphs.
Johnson's Algorithm Implementation in JavaScript
Here's an explanation and example of implementing Johnson's Algorithm in JavaScript:
// Johnson's Algorithm
function johnsonsAlgorithm(graph) {
// Step 1: Graph Transformation
const newVertex = 'newVertex';
graph.vertices.forEach(vertex => {
graph.addEdge(newVertex, vertex, 0);
// Step 2: Edge Re-Weighting
const distances = bellmanFord(graph, newVertex);
graph.edges.forEach(edge => {
edge.weight += distances[edge.vertex1] - distances[edge.vertex2];
// Step 3: Shortest Path Calculation
const shortestPaths = {};
graph.vertices.forEach(vertex => {
const dijkstraDistances = dijkstra(graph, vertex);
shortestPaths[vertex] = {};
graph.vertices.forEach(v => {
shortestPaths[vertex][v] = dijkstraDistances[v] + distances[v] - distances[vertex];
// Step 4: Reversing the Transformation
return shortestPaths;
// Bellman-Ford Algorithm
function bellmanFord(graph, startVertex) {
const distances = {};
graph.vertices.forEach(vertex => {
distances[vertex] = vertex === startVertex ? 0 : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
for (let i = 0; i < graph.vertices.length - 1; i++) {
graph.edges.forEach(edge => {
if (distances[edge.vertex1] + edge.weight < distances[edge.vertex2]) {
distances[edge.vertex2] = distances[edge.vertex1] + edge.weight;
return distances;
// Dijkstra's Algorithm
function dijkstra(graph, startVertex) {
const distances = {};
const visited = {};
const queue = [];
graph.vertices.forEach(vertex => {
distances[vertex] = vertex === startVertex ? 0 : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
visited[vertex] = false;
while (queue.length !== 0) {
let u = queue.reduce((min, vertex) => (distances[vertex] < distances[min] ? vertex : min), queue[0]);
queue = queue.filter(v => v !== u);
visited[u] = true;
graph.edges.forEach(edge => {
if (edge.vertex1 === u && !visited[edge.vertex2]) {
const alt = distances[u] + edge.weight;
if (alt < distances[edge.vertex2]) {
distances[edge.vertex2] = alt;
return distances;